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Madrid, 9 de marzo de 2020 - 15:30 horas

CORONAVIRUS | COVID-19  [English below]

Siguiendo nuestro compromiso de teneros puntual y debidamente informados respecto al coronavirus COVID-19, os comunicamos que:

  • Un miembro de nuestra comunidad universitaria ha dado positivo en coronavirus. Su sintomatología comenzó a manifestarse el sábado pasado. Se halla aislado en su domicilio. Se trata del primer caso confirmado en nuestra universidad.
  • Siguiendo las recomendaciones del Servicio de Epidemiología de la Comunidad de Madrid, con el que nos encontramos en permanente comunicación, hemos identificado el círculo de personas con las que el afectado ha mantenido contacto, para ponerles en seguimiento.
  • Han de contactar inmediatamente con su centro de salud o autoridades sanitarias quienes presenten síntomas compatibles con el coronavirus, como fiebre, tos seca o dificultad respiratoria.
  • Las autoridades sanitarias nos recomiendan al resto de la comunidad universitaria que continuemos con nuestra actividad habitual y que extrememos las medidas de precaución e higiene que ya os facilitamos en la anterior comunicación, medidas que podéis encontrar en la web de la Comunidad de Madrid: https://www.comunidad.madrid/servicios/salud/2019-nuevo-coronavirus

Seguiremos en contacto e iremos adoptando los protocolos necesarios según vayan desarrollándose los acontecimientos.

Gracias una vez más por vuestra confianza



As we are committed to keeping you updated regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus, we would like to inform you of the following:

  • One person at our University has tested positive for coronavirus, having manifested symptoms for this disease last Saturday. This individual has been isolated at home, representing the first case which has been confirmed at the University.
  • Following the recommendations of the Service for Epidemiology of the Autonomous Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid), with which we are in touch permanently, we have identified the circle of people with whom the affected individual has had personal contact, in order to follow up on their possible exposure to the virus.
  • Any individuals having symptoms which are typical of the coronavirus, such as fever, dry cough, muscle pain or breathing difficulties, should immediately contact their Health Center or the Health Authorities.
  • Governmental Health Services recommend that the rest of the members of the University Community should continue with usual daily activities, and that precautionary and hygienic measures, which have been explained in a previous communication, should be taken.  You will find these measures on the website of the “Comunidad de Madrid” on: https://www.comunidad.madrid/servicios/salud/2019-nuevo-coronavirus

We will keep all members of the University Community updated with further information, and the necessary procedures outlined in official protocol will be adopted as events unfold.

Thank you once again for the confidence and trust that you have placed in us